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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

Connector is sold as a service. It is a credits based system and 1 credit is consumed per each VAT report submission (you can calculate as many times as you need provided that you have credits).

Contact us for a quote

ODOOMTD service is already released and already listed on the HMRC and we can start submitting the VAT return right now for the service for Odoo version 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00 both Enterprise and Community Edition.

We don't keep any data from your company, except the company name, address and contacts or any information required to pass authentication.

In these link you can see our privacy policy of the service.

Privacy Policy
| Terms and Conditions

Our module allows one to keep on track and record submissions, as well as to reconcile the VAT. It also eases the process of conducting HMRC audits.

Our subscription is the most convenient because we guarantee our module and have the goal of implementing HMRC requirements.

The community version and the enterprise version works with versions 10.0, 11.0 and 12.0.

Your company must be registered with HMRC in order to be able to use:


In order to access the credentials, please contact our company through the following website:

Contact us